Improving the Addicts Self-Esteem

Addicts can now improve their changes for recovery by utilizing Self Esteemprogramming. G & G Holistic Addiction Treatment Program has recently added self esteem programming to their holistic approach to the treatment of recovering addicts. Addicts now have the opportunity to stay in recovery by improving their self-esteem, how they think and feel about themselves.

Relapse prevention has always been an important part of treatment for addicts. Given the high rate of relapse for addicts seeking recovery, helping them to prevent relapse is crucial to their recovery and over all well-being. Approximately 70 to 90%, of the addicts who go into treatment will relapse within the first year after completing a traditional program. Given the current statistics, additional resources are still needed to reduce the high rate of relapse among addicts.

G & G Holistic Addiction Treatment Program has recently implemented a new and innovative component to their comprehensive, holistic approach to the treatment of addicts. G & G Holistic is now helping their clients to significantly improve their self-esteem. While it is important to include some components of the traditional approach to addiction, it is the philosophy of G & G Holistic that attention needs to be focused upon the underlying cause of the dependency, the addict’s self esteem. G & G Holistic believe that if the self esteem of the addict does not change that much of his/her life will remain the same including the manifestation of drugs and alcohol into his/her life.

The self esteem programming at G & G Holistic is being conducted by Dr. Harry Henshaw, a licensed psychotherapist. Dr. Henshaw has extensive training and experience in working with others to improve how they think and feel about themselves, their self-esteem. Dr. Henshaw believes that poor self esteem is at the core of most mental health and chemical dependency disorders. According to Dr. Henshaw, finding a solution to dependency upon drugs and alcohol can be achieved through improving a person’s self image and self-esteem.

Most of the individuals who are addicted to drugs and alcohol are not happy with their lives and live a life of despair and hopelessness. Most addicts suffer from emotional disorders, often depression and dystymia. One of the major symptoms of a depressive state is poor self-esteem. According to Dr. Henshaw, poor self esteem is at the heart of an individual’s addiction and dependency. It is Dr. Henshaw’s contention that there is an inverse relationship between dependency and self esteem, that if a person’s self esteem improves the individual’s addictive behavior will decrease.

According to Dr. Henshaw we create our life from our thoughts and thought patterns. Our thinking determines our feelings and behavior and as a result, what be bring into our lives. One of the most important thoughts we have is the one we have of ourselves, our self-image. If a person’s self-image is negative he will not only feel bad about himself but also will begin to source experiences to match his self-image. Drugs and alcohol are sourced into an individual’s life to match what he/she believes he/she deserves in life and to numb his sense of self, the negative thoughts and beliefs he has about himself. Change how and what a person thinks about themselves and you change his/her life experiences and what he/she creates in their behavior including the believed need for drugs and alcohol. When a person feels good about themselves, has high self esteem, drugs and alcohol dependency will not appear as an option in life.
Wtitten by Harry Henshaw retrieved November 16, 2007 at